Free May Webinar

May coming soon...

When: Sunday May TBD, 6:30 PM EST
Where: Live on Zoom
Why: TBA

How Much: Free!



Founder of Nutrition Cheat Sheets

Shani has been a clinical dietitian for over 10 years. She teaches a graduate nutrition course, has precepted clinical nutrition interns, and has made it her mission to support new dietitians in understanding clinical nutrition without the kind of difficulty she faced when starting her career.

This session is for you if...

  • You're returning to a new clinical job after time away, and have lots of questions.
  • You know you need some kind of help in clinical, but you're not sure exactly what that is.
  • You have clinical, career, or just general RD questions and no one else to ask


Starting out in nutrition can be really hard. And for a lot of you, it's also lonely. If you're stuck with questions and no one to ask, this is the conversation for you.

Clinical Questions

Stuck on something clinical? Have questions about patient care? Bring it all.

Patient Questions

Is nutrition ed harder than it should be? Bring some examples and let's talk about it.

Career Questions

Wondering what you really want to do with nutrition? Let's think it through together.

Not sure this is for you? Think about this...

You spend so much time in school and working towards getting into a dietetic internship.

Only to realize the being a dietitian is completely different in the real world.

And worst of all, you still have questions.

When you're stuck with no one to ask, being an RD can suddenly feel harder than it ever should be .

This free webinar is a perfect place to start. Come with your clinical, counseling, or career questions and we'll talk about it all. Or email if you can't make it live.